Cycling around Ghent’s iconic Watersportbaan in Belgium.
All types of bikes can be hired from the local De Krook library called Bike point Onder De Krook which is so cool.
Hello, Fellow Explorers!
I’m Marnie, I started this website in 2024 to journal my travel experiences and inspire others to step outside their comfort zone, digital detox from technology, and embrace what the world has to offer…it’s an amazing and magical place.
So, who is Marnie……I ‘m an adventure seeker and truly believe travel is in my DNA. One of the best aspects about travel is flying and exploring an unknown destination as it heightens all the senses. Ever since my first time on an airplane when I was 7 years old when my parents moved from New Zealand to Australia I absolutely love to travel as it gives me a sense of freedom.
I’m obsessed for taking adventures off seasons mainly and not because it’s cheaper (less people), mostly visiting colder climate destinations places (previously lived in Queensland, Australia where for me it’s too hot), cultural immersion, hiking where I can especially in the mountains, and sometimes a lover of getting an adrenaline rush. Mind you, all of theses personal experiences I share, you will not find in any travel or tour brochure.
I have not been everywhere but do have a bucket list. All the photo’s on this site are from my personal experience.
Anyway, let’s continue with exploring this world, so join me on this journey as I’m excited to have you here!
Happy travels & thanks for dropping by :)

Worried About Traveling Alone But Want to Start Solo Traveling?
5 Amazing Day Trips in the Wairarapa, New Zealand: Budget Friendly Adventures
Best Budget Winter Trip From Reykjavik, Iceland
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